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1 Charles Johnson  Fri, Oct 15, 2010 3:53:10pm

This is the right decision - I've always said Wilders should not be prosecuted for the hateful crap he spews.

But that does NOT mean I support Wilders himself. I support the ideal of free speech, which Wilders wants to take away from Muslims. He's a demagogue and a bigot.

2 Mark Pennington  Fri, Oct 15, 2010 4:20:08pm

re: #1 Charles

This is the right decision - I've always said Wilders should not be prosecuted for the hateful crap he spews.

But that does NOT mean I support Wilders himself. I support the ideal of free speech, which Wilders wants to take away from Muslims. He's a demagogue and a bigot.

You speak for me as well, Charles. I see that I was updinged by a creepy Wilders supporter.

3 Obdicut  Fri, Oct 15, 2010 4:58:22pm

I agree. His speech should be free, unless he incites people to actually commit crimes against Muslims.

He is still a vile little man.

4 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Oct 15, 2010 6:42:17pm

re: #1 Charles

This is the right decision - I've always said Wilders should not be prosecuted for the hateful crap he spews.

But that does NOT mean I support Wilders himself. I support the ideal of free speech, which Wilders wants to take away from Muslims. He's a demagogue and a bigot.

Quite Concur. The answer to hate speech is to respond with the truth, not simply to silence the hater.

5 SueG  Sat, Oct 16, 2010 1:38:55am

The judge might not follow what the public persecution department said and can still find him guilty of whatever he had been accused of (several accusations among which hate speech).

It was really interesting to see how the public persecution department interpreted his quotes. Basically it was saying that Wilders had nothing against muslims, but criticised islam. Criticising islam is no hate speech.

On their website:
Public Prosecution Service requests acquittal for all counts in Wilders case
15 oktober 2010 - Arrondissementsparket Amsterdam

Today, the Public Prosecution Service in Amsterdam (OM) has pronounced the final part of the closing speech in the trial against Geert Wilders. The OM has requested acquittal for inciting hate and inciting discrimination by Geert Wilders.

On 12 October 2010 the Public Prosecution Service (OM) discussed the assessment criteria for Section 137c, Penal Code (Sr) and assessed the statements charged under Offence 1 according to them. The OM has requested acquittal for Offence 1.

The public prosecutor’s demand continued on 15 October 2010 with a description of the assessment criteria for Section 137d Sr and the assessment of offences 2, 3, 4 and 5.

The following has been addressed today:

- theoretical part of Section 137d Sr (instigating hatred and instigating discrimination)

- assessment according to criminal law of Offence 2 (instigating hatred because of religion)

- assessment according to criminal law of Offence 3 (instigating discrimination because of religion)

- assessment according to criminal law of Offence 4 (instigating hatred because of race)

- assessment according to criminal law of Offence 5 (instigating discrimination because of race)

In the comprehensive closing speech, the prosecutors have argued why they requested acquittal. In his statements, Wilders usually refers to the Islam; not to Muslims. Criticising a religion is not punishable, according to the OM.

Some of Wilders’ statements constitute ‘instigating discrimination’. However, those were made to contribute to a social debate, by Wilders as politician. Therefore, the punishable nature of instigating discrimination is eliminated.

The OM requests acquittal for all statements in offences 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Download summary (pdf alert):

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